It isn’t often that the boss gets to put a boat through its paces, but that’s how a recent trip south went for a Hunt Ocean 63 called “No Comment.”
Hunt Managing Director Peter Truslow joined up with No Comment’s captain in Charleston as the boat travelled south from its summer home on Cape Cod. The talk on the Charleston City Docks was leaning heavily in favor of taking the ditch for the following day’s run down the coast. As Robert Frost might have said, No Comment “took the one less travelled by.” Captain and crew made the offshore choice.
Hunt Ocean 63

Truslow got first hand experience of the Hunt Deep-V promise of a faster, more comfortable, safer ride in a range of conditions. As far as conditions go, these were, at best, challenging: 5’+ seas, 25 knots of downwind breeze. Thirty miles offshore, the only other boats were ships and the Hunt 63 was making an average speed of 25 knots. Not bad for a Monday.
While boaters don’t choose that kind of weather, it’s nice to know a boat can iron out the bumps when nature throws them at you. Two hundred-plus miles later, St. Augustine was on the horizon, the crew no worse for wear.